Moi, c'est Rachel, 26 ans. Je suis une professionnelle de la communication et dans mon temps libre une fan de thriller, de true-crime et d'écriture. Je me considère comme une épicurienne angoissée, une féministe en construction, une adepte des mots barbares.


Hello everyone, 

I know it's been a long time since I came here to talk to you. To be entirely honest, this blog was the last thing I was capable to deal with. A lot of things happened in my life lately unabling me to write anything other than my research for my master degree. Fortunately (and with a lot of efforts), everything finally goes fine, even more than just fine, but great ! This past months were more than difficult, I had hard times to sleep and even to eat sometimes ( and everybody knows how much I love to eat), and I'm sure the lockdown didn't help me at all. 

I always considered this blog as a virtual space where I can express myself freely and share my thoughts, my struggle, my happy times, my concerns with honesty and without any shame. So, you can imagine how sponteneous my joy is to write again few words here, to share again a small portion of my mind...

This last 3 weeks were confusing : For the first time of my life I do not have anything to think of but myself. It's a lot of time to spend with me and I have to learn to live with my own person. I know it can be strange to say it this way, but in our current life with all our responsabilities we don't spent enough time with ourself, truly, in a pure way. Learning more about ourselves can be as disturbing as comforting or terrifying. From a moment, I asked myself how it was possible to spent 26 years of my life without even knowing me a little bit. 

Well being wellness october
During this past weeks, I feel the urge to connect myself with everything around me, to feel more grounded, more "in presence". I think during all this years, trying so hard to know what I wanted to do with my own life, I've lost my idendity in the way. This realization is recent as much as brutal, but I face it with a lot of excitment and a surprising inner peace. Maybe it's just the right time to accept me fully, to discover, to learn, to improve, to heal ? 

We can't access to true hapiness without questionning ourselves about our connection with the world around us. It can be truly violent to note our inability to capture the present moment, to be entirely dedicated to our life without letting events pass under our nose. Our jobs, our scheduled filled to the brim, our family's reponsabilities, our future... all this noise around us and all that is expected from us, disconnected us from our true self and sometimes from our own soul. Sadly, it's often loosing a relative or the illness - when the body is in total disconnection with our soul - that we realize the true issue about how we live (or sometimes survive) in our society.

This new questionings push me to ask myself about new subjects as meditation, well being, spirituality... New subjects that I will love to share with you in later posts ♡


  1. Coucou Rachel ! Je découvre ton article après que tu sois passée sur mon blog et je me retrouve tellement dans ma période post étudiante. Arriver dans la vraie vie, devoir me gérer seule (en plus dans un autre pays) et faire face aux déceptions du monde du travail m'ont foutu une grosse claque. Je me suis énormément remise en question sur ce que je voulais faire et qui je voulais être. C'est dur, de se poser toutes ces questions quand on a la vingtaine et qu'on pense se connaître. J'ai l'impression d'avoir tellement grandit depuis, tellement appris sur moi et sur le monde autour. Tu as raison de prendre du temps pour toi, pour réfléchir et te trouver. Bonne continuation dans ta quête :)


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